Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and MRI based computational modelling studies provide insights into severity and recovery of ischemic stroke patients. The presence of brain lesions, however, can heavily distort and impair state‐of‐the‐art processing frameworks due to abnormal intensity values and tissue distortions. In this study, we introduce and validate the novel “Lesion Aware automated Processing Pipeline (LeAPP).” LeAPP automatically processes clinical stroke MRI data while significantly reducing the impact of pathological artefacts on processing outputs such as structural and functional connectomes (SC, FC). This helps to advance the identification of biomarkers for recovery and mechanism‐based intervention planning using MRI as well as computational approaches. We extended existing frameworks, such as the Human Connectome Project (HCP) minimal processing pipeline, introducing correction steps, and implementing and modifying functional and diffusion processing to cope with MRI acquisition protocols more typical for the clinical context. A total of 51 participants (36 patients, 15 age‐matched controls) were processed across four time points for patients (3–5, 30–40, 85–95, 340–380 days after stroke onset) and one time point for controls. We validated performance using artificial lesioned brains (N = 81), derived from healthy brains and informed by real stroke lesions. The quality of reconstructing the ground truth was quantified on whole brain level and for lesion affected and unaffected regions‐of‐interest (ROIs) for brain parcellations and for SCs. Volume based agreement was evaluated using metrics such as dice coefficient, volume difference or ROI center‐of‐gravity distance while SC based agreement was defined as the difference in network metrics (e.g., node strength, clustering coefficient, or centrality). The observed deviations in reconstructed ground truth brain parcellations and structural connectomes from lesioned brains were significantly reduced for LeAPP, compared to the performance of existing pipelines such as HCP minimal processing pipeline. For instance, in the case of lesion affected ROIS we achieved a mean dice coefficient (where a value of one represents total agreement as defined by an exact overlap of both ROIs) of 0.81 with LeAPP, compared to 0.75 for HCP (p < .0001*). Additionally, the average measured ROI distance (where a value of zero represents no difference) for lesion ROIs was 0.87 for LeAPP in contrast to 1.7 for HCP (p < .0001*), indicating an overall superior performance of LeAPP. The pipeline generates standardized output files ready for brain network modelling for instance with The Virtual Brain software. This novel open‐source automated processing framework contributes to reproducible research and provides a robust framework for automated processing of clinical stroke MRI data, supporting the identification of brain network‐based biomarkers of stroke recovery.