Purpose New teaching formats are required to implement competency-based teaching in radiology teaching. Therefore, we have established and evaluated two practical competencybased radiological courses.
Materials and MethodsThe courses were held in a multimedia room with 25 computers and a professional DICOM viewer. Students were taught basic image analysis and presented clinical cases with a DICOM viewer under supervision of an instructor using desktop monitoring software. Two courses (elective course and obligatory course) were evaluated by the students (n = 160 and n = 100) and instructors (n = 9) using an anonymized online survey.Results Courses were evaluated positively by the students and instructors. From the perspective of the students, the courses increased understanding of cross-sectional anatomy (elective/obligatory course: 97 %/95 %) and radiologic findings (97 %/99 %). Furthermore, the course increased the students' interest in radiology (61 %/65 %). The students considered this way of teaching to be relevant to their future occupation (92 % of students in the obligatory course). The higher incidence of teacher-student interaction and the possibility of independent image analysis were rated positively. The majority of instructors did not observe increased distractibility due to the computers (67 %) or notice worse preparation for MC tests (56 %). However, 56 % of instructors reported greater preparation effort.Conclusion Practical competency-based radiological teaching using a DICOM viewer is a feasible innovative approach with high acceptance among students and instructors. It fosters competency-based learning as proposed by the model curriculum of the German Radiological Society (DRG) and the National Competency-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medical Education (NKLM).
Key Points▪ Practical competency-based radiological teaching is highly accepted by students and instructors. ▪ Students report improved understanding of imaging anatomy and radiological findings. ▪ Interactive case presentation with a DICOM viewer fosters competency-based learning. Material und Methoden Der interaktive Unterricht fand in einem mit 25 Computern ausgestatteten Multimediaraum statt. Die Studierenden nutzten eine professionelle Befundungssoftware (BS), erlernten Grundlagen der radiologischen Bildanalyse und präsentierten unter Anleitung eines Dozenten radiologische Fälle vor der Gruppe mittels Desktop-Monitoring-Software. Die Evaluation der Kurse (Wahlkurs, WK und Pflichtkurs, PK) erfolgte mittels anonymisierter Onlineumfrage der Studierenden (n = 160 und n = 100) und Dozenten (n = 9).