To cite this version:assumptions. This analysis of the literature claried the types of mechanical solicitations applied on the food bolus. Moreover, we showed that the pharyngeal peristalsis in the most occluded region is equivalent to a forward roll coating process, the originality of which is lubrication by a lm of saliva. A model based on the lubrication theory for Newtonian liquids was developed in dimensionless form. The parametric study showed the strong inuence of relative saliva thickness on the food bolus coating. A specic experimental device was designed that conrms the model predictions.Two sets of conditions that depend on the relative thickness of saliva were distinguished. The rst is characterised by a relatively thin lm of saliva: food bolus viscosity has a strong impact on mucosa coating. These phenomena are well represented by the model developed here. The second is obtained when the saliva lm is relatively thick: hydrodynamic mixing with saliva, interdiusion or instabilities may govern mucosa coating. Finally, these results were extrapolated to determine the * Corresponding author * * Principal corresponding author Email addresses: (Clément de Loubens), (Albert Magnin), (Eric Verin), (Isabelle Souchon)