Objective: The musculus plantaris (m.) is a muscle in the back of the leg that has a short abdomen and a long, thin tendon. It acts functionally with the gastrocnemius muscle. Since remowing the muscle does not cause a change in limb function, it is used as a potential source of grafts. It was aimed to investigate the morphological features and possible variations of PM in fetal cadavers.
Methods: This study was carried out on the fetal cadaver collection of …….., Medical Faculty, Anatomy Department. 11 male and 9 female fetal cadavers (ages range: 28-40 weeks) were used. The muscle belly length (LB), width (WB) and thickness (TB) were measured. The PM insertion was classified into 4 types. Also, the distal part of the tendon was classified in the fan-shaped and flat-shaped.
Results: It was determined that PM was present in 36 of 40(90%) lower extremities and absent in 4(10%). The average muscle belly length (LB), width (WB) and thickness (TB) was found 13.29±3.73mm, 4.72±1.77mm and 3.65±1.17mm, respectively. The most common insertion type was found Type 2 (67.5%) within setion to the calcaneal tuberosity on the anteromedially. The most common insertion type was observed as flat-shaped (77.5%).
Conclusion: We believe that the data obtained from our study will be useful in procedures such as flexor tendinoplasties, reconstruction of hand tendons and lateral ankle ligaments, and repair of atrioventricular valves, which are planned to be performed in infancy and childhood.