Tea plant has a substantial importance for the world and Turkey in terms of consumption and economic aspects. Global tea consumption increasingly reached approximately 5 million tonnes with China (33 %), India (21 %) and Turkey (5 %) taking up the top places. Total tea production in the world has exceeded 5 million tonnes a year of which about 38 % is produced only in China while 24 % in India and 9% in Kenya (FAO, 2015). Tea consumption in Turkey tripled between 1945 and 1950; therefore, the land cultivated with tea plant reached from 3.000 ha to 76.000 ha (Kacar, 2010). As reported in CAYKUR 2015 tea sector report, Turkey th ranks 8 in the world in the extent of land for cultivating tea, th rd st 6 in tea production, 3 in tea consumption and 1 in tea yield obtained from per unit of harvested area. Apart from being a popular beverage worldwide, ingredients of tea boosts the body's vitality, strengthens bones and teeth, reduces heart disease and cancer risk, has a positive effect on weight problems and diabetes (Naito and Yoshikawa, 2009;Yang and Wang, 2010;Goenka et al., 2013; Kim and Kim, 2013). Researches show that boron is effective in yield as well as taste and smell of black tea and, moreover, it is effective on quality of tea as it increases the tannin content of tea leaves (Pethiyagoda and Krishnapillai, 1971;Kacar, 2010). Boron deficiency in plants is frequently observed in acid-reactive soils where rainfall is abundant. In the Eastern Black Sea region where tea cultivation is intensively carried out, the research results, showing 97 % boron deficiency detected in the soil cultivated with tea plants and 98 % boron deficiency in Artvin province (Taban et al., 2015), have helped to shape the subject and area of this research. In order to raise the quality of tea leaf prevent severe environmental and health problems, it is necessary to know the concentration of essential plant nutrients of the tea plant and its soil as well as the optimal doses of the nutrients to be applied, their application methods, optimum forms, application times and frequency.Within the frame of the topics mentioned above, the aim of this research is to determine the effect of the foliar and soil boron treatment on a) yield, b) shoot height, c) boron concentration of shoot leaves, d) general distribution of boron in shoots of the tea plant.
Materials and MethodsThe Establ shment and Implementat on of the Exper ment A two-year fixed field experiment was carried out in a tea garden run by a domestic producer in Yemişli village of Arhavi district in Artvin province (primary coordinates: 37T0692339 E, 4577909 N, secondary coordinates: 41,32837 N, 41,29641 E, altitude: 22 m). The experiment was conducted on 3 April 2014 in the first year and on 25 March 2015 in the second year. The field experiment was laid out with randomized block design with 5 replications. The experimental field was divided into twenty 2x1 m plots with 0.5 m and 1 m buffer area between the plots and the blocks, respectively.A soil sample was collected from a few poin...