The article discusses the structure and genetic stability of the Prunus persica ‘Dostoyniy’ microshoots, culturing in vitro on the Gamborg and Eveleg (B5) nutrient medium compared with the shoots of the mother plants ex situ. Conventional methods were applied to study plant morphology, anatomy, ploidy level and genetic similarity. Statistical analysis was performed using the Past software. According to the results, common leaf morphology and its structure in vitro were preserved, but several quantitative and qualitative changes were revealed, except for rearrangements. The analysis of the ploidy level of the nuclei isolated from the leaf tissue cells of the microshoots in vitro revealed no changes. Similar results were obtained with ISSR-PCR and genetically material in vitro was stable. Short-term cultivation of Prunus persica ‘Dostoyniy microshoots on a B5 nutrient medium with optimal concentrations of 6- BAP promoted morphogenesis without significant deviations, and the absence of the ploidy level changes and genetic variations under in vitro conditions.