work is also supported by the COST Action IS1303 "Citizen's Health through public-private Initiatives: Public health, Market and Ethical perspectives" (CHIP ME). None of these funding sources have had any involvement in the preparation of this article.The authors declare no conflict of interest.
AbstractA variety of health-related genetic testing is currently advertised directly to consumers. This article provides a timely overview of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) and salient ethical issues, as well as an analysis of the impact of the recently adopted Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVD) on DTC GT. DTC GT companies currently employ new testing approaches, report on wide spectrum of conditions, and target new groups of consumers. Such activities raise ethical issues including the questionable analytic and clinical validity of tests, the adequacy of informed consent, potentially misleading advertising, testing in children, research uses and commercialization of genomic data. The recently adopted IVD Regulation may limit the offers of predisposition DTC GT in the EU market.Keywords: direct-to-consumer genetic testing, genetic testing, consumer genomics, consumer genetics, informed consent, genetic counselling, IVD regulation 1 Many of the tests discussed herein involve generating the DNA sequence for much if not all of the genome, therefore it could be considered more accurate to use the term genomic. However, for the purposes of this article, we will be using the word 'genetic' referring both to genetic and genomic testing and services.
DTC genetic testing and related services2 This article focuses mainly on health-related testing, excluding testing with other main purposes such as ancestry and paternity. However, it is important to note that ancestry test results may reveal health-related information to consumers, given associations between genetic ancestry and disease risks, press coverage of these relations and interest of the consumers in these issues [85]. Furthermore, the web-based interpretation services can provide health-related information on the basic of raw data received in ancestry genetic testing, which is discussed in the following sections of this article. (2015) revealed that the market of health-related DTC GT has grown significantly in the last decade reaching over 100 companies [6]. Considering that these searchers were performed in English, the total number of companies offering DTC GT may be assumed to be even larger.Importantly, not only has the number of companies grown in recent years, but their offer has expanded regarding the scope of the tests, technologies used, and the target audiences of the tests. (almost) all the DNA present in cells, whilst whole exome sequencing provides sequence of all protein coding regions of DNA; in both cases the amount of genetic information obtained is unprecedented. Once sequenced, the exome or genome can then be analysed for specific, defined purpose(s) (e.g. using targeted gene approach where only a subset of genes ...