We construct and classify translating surfaces under flows by sub-affine-critical powers of the Gauss curvature. This result reveals all translating surfaces which model Type II singularities of closed solutions to the α-Gauss curvature flow in R 3 for any α > 0.To this end, we show that level sets of a translating surface under the α-Gauss curvature flow with α ∈ (0, 1 4 ) converge to a closed shrinking curve to the α 1−α -curve shortening flow after rescaling, namely the surface is asymptotic to the graph of a homogeneous polynomial. Then, we study the moduli space of translating surfaces asymptotic to the polynomial by using slowly decaying Jacobi fields.Notice that our result is a Liouville theorem for a degenerate Monge-Amère equation, detwhere α ∈ (0, 1 4 ).1 The convex hull of the image surface Σt is the inside region, when Σt is non-compact.2 The α-Gauss curvature flow with α = 1 n+2 is the affine normal flow in R n+1 . 3 The shrinkers under the α-curve shortening flow were already classified by Andrews [6] . 4 We say that a surface is complete and convex if it is the boundary of a convex body. 5 Σ is not necessarily the graph of u. For example, if ∂Ω has a line segment L then Σ has a flat side in L × R; see the result and pictures in [32]. 6 If Σ touches ∂Ω × R, it might be neither strictly convex nor smooth on ∂Ω × R; see [32]. 7 See Definition 2.3. 8 If m ≥ 3.