“…Each of these species is characterized by a mitochondrial DNA lineage of its own, but in Iberia all three species also share a fourth lineage, hereafter labelled 'foreign', the representatives of which are more related to each other than they are to any of the three species-specific lineages (Alves et al 2003;Melo-Ferreira et al 2005). The average divergence of the foreign lineage to L. granatensis and L. europaeus is approximately 10%, a typical value for interspecific differences in mammals (Johns & Avise 1998), while the divergence to L. castroviejoi is approximately 3% (Alves et al 2003). This foreign lineage is clearly related to mtDNA of L. timidus, which suggests that its presence in the Iberian species resulted from secondary : 33 from L. granatensis (Ala1, Á lava; Alb, Albacete; Alc, Alcañ iz; Ali, Alicante; Alj, Aljustrel; Amd, Almeida; Ben, Benavente; Brg, Bragança; CBr, Castelo Branco; Cac, Cáceres; Crd, Có rdoba; Crn, La Coruñ a; Cre, Ciudad Real; Cue, Cuenca; Grn, Granada; Hue, Huesca; Mad, Madrid; Mer, Mértola; Mur, Mú rcia; Nav1, Navarra; Pan, Pancas; Ptm, Portimão; Sal, Salamanca; SE, Serra da Estrela; San, Santarém; Sen, Sendim; Sev, Sevilla; Sor, Soria; TC, Tierra de Campos; Tol, Toledo; Tor, Tordesillas; Val, Valência; Zar, Zaragoza); 5 from L. europaeus (Ala2, Á lava; Can, Cantabria; Jac, Jaca; Nav2, Navarra; Vlc, Villarcayo) and 1 from L. castroviejoi (Cas, Cantabria).…”