DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-02312-z
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Ancient River Inference Explains Exceptional Oriental Freshwater Mussel Radiations

Abstract: The concept of long-lived (ancient) lakes has had a great influence on the development of evolutionary biogeography. According to this insight, a number of lakes on Earth have existed for several million years (e.g., Baikal and Tanganyika) and represent unique evolutionary hotspots with multiple intra-basin radiations. In contrast, rivers are usually considered to be variable systems, and the possibility of their long-term existence during geological epochs has never been tested. In this study, we reconstruct … Show more

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Cited by 84 publications
(145 citation statements)
References 90 publications
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“…Although the higher-level classification of the Unionidae is unstable (Whelan et al, 2011;Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015;Lopes-Lima et al, 2016;Bolotov et al, 2017), it remains clear that the subfamily Ambleminae has experienced the most dramatic evolutionary radiation, representing over half of the species-level diversity of the family. The Ambleminae is distributed across much of North America, occupying most permanent freshwater habitats east of the Continental Divide of the Americas, from northern Canada south to the Isthmus of Panama.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although the higher-level classification of the Unionidae is unstable (Whelan et al, 2011;Pfeiffer & Graf, 2015;Lopes-Lima et al, 2016;Bolotov et al, 2017), it remains clear that the subfamily Ambleminae has experienced the most dramatic evolutionary radiation, representing over half of the species-level diversity of the family. The Ambleminae is distributed across much of North America, occupying most permanent freshwater habitats east of the Continental Divide of the Americas, from northern Canada south to the Isthmus of Panama.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Although Southeast Asian fauna of freshwater bivalves has been subject of intense research efforts during the last five years (e.g. Zieritz et al 2016;Bolotov et al 2017aBolotov et al , 2017bBolotov et al , 2019Lopes-Lima et al 2017;Jeratthitikul et al 2019;Konopleva et al 2019), the fauna of Laos is still poorly known (Zieritz et al 2018).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For example, modern information on the population status and ecology is only available for a single species, Gibbosula laosensis (Lea, 1863) (Bivalvia: Margaritiferidae) (Bolotov et al 2014). Nevertheless, molecular data on freshwater mussels from Laos is presented in a few works (Pfeiffer and Graf 2015;Bolotov et al 2017aBolotov et al , 2017bLopes-Lima et al 2017) but the taxonomic placement of those sequences is still uncertain.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…The two streams in our experiment are separated by approximately 500 m but differ in temperature by 11°C. Dispersal, gene flow and genetic divergence among populations in this species are strongly related to geographic distance (Johansson, Quintela, & Laurila, 2016), and R. balthica are known to disperse slowly, but regularly over short distances (Hoffman et al, 2006;Kappes & Haase, 2012), but rarely over long distances, where such events are usually associated with passive dispersal, for example, via association with vertebrates (Bolotov et al, 2017;Hansson & Akesson, 2014). Thus, our study, over a relatively small spatial scale (500 m), provides insight into how metabolic and resource acquisition traits in closely related natural populations have diverged in response to warming and is therefore directly relevant for understanding the effects of rapid climate change (Keller, Alexander, Holderegger, & Edwards, 2013;Meril€ a & Hendry, 2014;Richter-Boix, Teplitsky, Rogell, & Laurila, 2010).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%