We investigate the zero-temperature metal-insulator transition in a one-dimensional twocomponent Fermi gas in the presence of a quasi-periodic potential resulting from the superposition of two optical lattices of equal intensity but incommensurate periods. A mobility edge separating (low energy) Anderson localized and (high energy) extended single-particle states appears in this continuous-space model beyond a critical intensity of the quasi-periodic potential. In order to discern the metallic phase from the insulating phase in the interacting many-fermion system, we employ unbiased quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations combined with the many-particle localization length familiar from the modern theory of the insulating state. In the noninteracting limit, the critical optical-lattice intensity for the metal-insulator transition predicted by the QMC simulations coincides with the Anderson localization transition of the single-particle eigenstates. We show that weak repulsive interactions induce a shift of this critical point towards larger intensities, meaning that repulsion favors metallic behavior. This shift appears to be linear in the interaction parameter, suggesting that even infinitesimal interactions can affect the position of the critical point. To what extent, if at all, do Anderson insulators persist in the presence of interactions? This has been an outstanding problem since 1958 when noninteracting quantum systems were theoretically shown by Anderson to harbor no transport of conserved quantities for sufficiently strong disorder [1,2]. In cold atom settings, among others, experimenters have observed the Anderson transition of noninteracting particles either in the nondeterministic random disorder created using spatiallycorrelated speckle patterns or in the one-dimensional quasidisorder created using incommensurate bichromatic lattice [3][4][5][6][7]. Theoretical predictions about the critical point of the Anderson transition based on models that take into account the details of these cold-atoms experiments have been recently reported [8][9][10][11], enabling quantitative comparison with experimental measurements [12].Cold-atoms experiments have emerged as the ideal playground to explore also the effects due to interactions in disordered many-body systems [13,14]. Experiments to understand the transport and localization phenomena in disordered interacting atomic gases continue to be performed [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]. Theoretically, a decade ago Basko and collaborators showed using diagrammatic techniques that the Anderson insulator can survive in the presence of interactions [23], even at finite temperatures. For continuous-space disordered bosons this finitetemperature localization [24] connects, in the zero temperature limit, to the superfluid to Bose glass transition [25]. The concomitant zero-temperature localization transition for continuous-space weakly interacting quasidisordered fermions is the subject of our study.In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the zero-temperature metal-...