We consider the dynamics of an electron in an infinite disordered metallic wire. We derive exact expressions for the probability of diffusive return to the starting point in a given time. The result is valid for wires with or without time-reversal symmetry and allows for the possibility of topologically protected conducting channels. In the absence of protected channels, Anderson localization leads to a nonzero limiting value of the return probability at long times, which is approached as a negative power of time with an exponent depending on the symmetry class. When topologically protected channels are present (in a wire of either unitary or symplectic symmetry), the probability of return decays to zero at long time as a power law whose exponent depends on the number of protected channels. Technically, we describe the electron dynamics by the one-dimensional supersymmetric non-linear sigma model. We derive an exact identity that relates any local dynamical correlation function in a disordered wire of unitary, orthogonal, or symplectic symmetry to a certain expectation value in the random matrix ensemble of class AIII, CI, or DIII, respectively. The established exact mapping from one-to zero-dimensional sigma model is very general and can be used to compute any local observable in a disordered wire. Introduction.-Quantum interference leads to localization of electrons in the presence of disorder. In one-(1D) and two-dimensional (2D) systems, even weak random potential localizes all eigenstates, while in three dimensions (3D) localization occurs when disorder is stronger than a certain threshold level [1][2][3]. In the past few years, the phenomenon of Anderson localization has witnessed a revival of activity due to discoveries made in several fields. On the experiment side, Anderson localization has been observed in a multitude of systems including cold atoms [4-6], light waves [7], ultrasound [8], as well as optically driven atomic systems [9]. On the theory side, dynamical phenomena such as thermalization and relaxation after a quantum quench in disordered systems have been the subject of growing interest [10][11][12][13][14]. This has been inspired, in part, by the discovery of manybody localization [15][16][17][18][19], which is an interacting analog of Anderson localization, and more recently by the proposal to diagnose quantum chaotic behavior by means of out-of-time-order correlations [20][21][22][23][24]. Furthermore, the discovery [25][26][27][28][29][30][31] and complete classification [32][33][34][35][36] of topological insulators has opened the door to a new arena where the interplay between disorder and topology leads to unusual localization-related effects. These include ultra-slow (Sinai) diffusion at the critical phase between two topological insulator phases [37], as well as enhanced localization effects in systems where topologically protected and unprotected channels coexist [38,39].Despite more than half a century since Anderson's original paper [40], there exists very few exact results [41] ...