We investigate numerically the time evolution of wave packets incident on one-dimensional semiinfinite lattices with mosaic modulated random on-site potentials, which are characterized by the integer-valued modulation period κ and the disorder strength W . For Gaussian wave packets with the central energy E0 and a small spectral width, we perform extensive numerical calculations of the disorder-averaged time-dependent reflectance, R(t) , for various values of E0, κ, and W . We find that the long-time behavior of R(t) obeys a power law of the form t −γ in all cases. In the presence of the mosaic modulation, γ is equal to 2 for almost all values of E0, implying the onset of the Anderson localization, while at a finite number of discrete values of E0 dependent on κ, γ approaches 3/2, implying the onset of the classical diffusion. This phenomenon is independent of the disorder strength and arises in a quasi-resonant manner such that γ varies rapidly from 3/2 to 2 in a narrow energy range as E0 varies away from the quasi-resonance values. We deduce a simple analytical formula for the quasi-resonance energies and provide an explanation of the delocalization phenomenon based on the interplay between randomness and band structure.I.