We report direct experimental evidence that the insulating phase of a disordered, yet strongly interacting two-dimensional electron system becomes unstable at low temperatures. As the temperature decreases, a transition from insulating to metal-like transport behavior is observed, which persists even when the resistivity of the system greatly exceeds the quantum of resistivity h=e 2 . The results have been achieved by measuring transport on a mesoscopic length scale while systematically varying the strength of disorder. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.016805 PACS numbers: 73.21.ÿb, 73.20.Jc, 73.20.Qt Ever since the first two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) were realized, they have been used extensively to investigate various theories and concepts of charge localization [1]. The scaling theory of localization prohibits extended electronic states in two dimensions (2D) at absolute zero in the presence of disorder [2]. While there has been extensive theoretical work on the possibility of a delocalization caused by electron-electron interactions, e.g., [3][4][5][6][7][8][9], conclusive experimental evidence of such an effect has not been observed. On the contrary, the insulating phase in 2D at low temperatures has proven robust, in particular, in the case of strong localization, where the resistivity h=e 2 . For strong disorder, insulating variable-range hopping transport has been observed, with interaction effects leading only to a modification of the single-particle density of states [10]. In low but finite disorder an interaction driven localization mechanism has been suggested in the form of pinned charge-density waves [11,12]. However, no deviation from the insulating nature of transport has been reported in potential realizations of such phases, nor is it expected theoretically. The intermediate regime where disorder and interaction effects are equally important is very challenging to study theoretically and experimentally and is still not well understood. Our work represents an attempt to close this gap.A crucial property of disorder is the characteristic length scale of its potential fluctuations. If the disorder is mainly long range, at low electron densities the system becomes increasingly inhomogeneous. Transport then behaves according to classical percolation law, masking possible interactions between electrons [13]. Hence, an experimental approach for investigating interaction effects in the presence of disorder should minimize the effects of longrange disorder and focus on short-range fluctuations.In modulation doped GaAs=AlGaAs heterojunctions, the disorder mainly comes from the remote charged ions in the doping layer, and the strength of disorder depends strongly on the width of the undoped spacer layer between 2DES and the doping layer. The possibility of changing the strength of disorder by varying provides a powerful tool in the investigation of disorder effects. In theoretical treatment, an entirely random distribution of the dopants is generally assumed, giving a uniform spectral density of...