“…without which monkeys develop a fatal blood disorder characterized by leucopenia and sometimes anemia (53), and "vitamin Bc," lack of which results in poor growth and macrocytic hyperchromic anemia in chicks (28), and several growth factors for the bacteria Lactobacillus casei and Streptococcus lactis R (for a complete bibliography see reference 5) variously known as "norite eluate factor," "folic acid," "L. casei factor," "SLR factor," etc., are considered to be, if not identical, very closely related, and the name "folic acid" appears now to be applied indiscriminately to various members of the group. Crystalline substances corresponding to four of the above have been isolated, i.e., vitamin Bc from both liver and yeast (6, 63), vitamin Bc conjugate from yeast (64), and two L. casei factors, one from fermentation products and one from liver (35,90).…”