separated, there are positive and negative charges generated on coated electrodes depending on the triboelectric polarity of those dielectric materials. Therefore, a perfect design for a triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) can be achieved by choosing the most distinct materials in terms of triboelectric polarity as well as diminishing of the feature sizes of those materials down to nanometer scale for obtaining maximum contact area. [ 20 ] A list of the triboelectric materials in accordance with their polarity is presented in Table S1, Supporting Information. Working mechanisms of TENG devices are based on two mechanical motion modes, contact and sliding mode. [ 20 ] Recent studies reveal that the sliding mode has a better voltage output. [ 13 ] However, it requires a more complicated device design. The output voltage of TENGs is enhanced above 1 kV by using different material combinations and device geometries. [ 12 ] In this study, we constructed core-shell nanostructures (polyethersulfone (PES) is in the core and As 2 Se 3 is in the shell) for building a 3D TENG device ( Figure 1 a-6,a-7). Aluminum tape was used as a substrate and contact electrode for both polyetherimide (PEI) nanopillars and As 2 Se 3 core-shell nanostructures (Figure 1 a-1,a-5). Detailed information about the fabrication of the As 2 Se 3 core-shell nanostructures and the PEI nanopillars is given in the Supporting Information (see Figure S1). The fl uorination process used in the fabrication of the PEI nanopillars and surface modifi cation of the As 2 Se 3 nanostructures is given in Figure S2 in the Supporting Information. Figure S3 in the Supporting Information illustrates the fabrication process of the nanopillars.Our device can be stimulated by both motion and acoustic waves at different frequencies. We combined fl uorinated As 2 Se 3 kilometer-long core-shell nanostructures, which are produced using an iterative fi ber-drawing technique, with PEI nanopillars, which are produced by a template-based method for the construction of the contact mode TENG in a multilayer fashion. Our device has an output of maximum 1.23 mW direct current (DC) and 0.51 W peak power and can power parallel connected 38 LEDs simultaneously. Our chalcogenide-based TENG has maximum 396 V and 1.6 mA peak-to-peak output voltage and current, respectively. In addition, a fi nite element model is developed to explain contact electrifi cation between core-shell nanostructures and nanopillars using COMSOL Multiphysics. A perfect match between analytically calculated open-circuit voltage (OCV) and OCV measurement for a single layer generator was presented.To enhance the performance of triboelectric devices, there are two important parameters that play a major role in the selection of material combinations: the surface properties and triboelectric polarity. [ 20 ] Since the surface properties can be modifi ed using various techniques, the triboelectric polarity is Scavenging waste energy is an alternative prominent solution, which may play an important role regarding the wor...