“…27 While general anesthesia is preferred for cases with anticipated massive blood loss, a neuraxial catheter can provide analgesia for endovascular sheath placement, may be extended and re-dosed for prolonged surgery, allows the mother to be awake for the delivery, limits fetal exposure to anesthetic, and may decrease blood loss compared with general anesthesia (Supplemental Digital Content 1, http:// links.lww.com/ASA/A130). 10,28,29 The decision between general or neuraxial anesthesia will depend upon the magnitude of anticipated blood loss, the availability of additional anesthesia staff to assist with an unplanned conversion to general anesthesia, and the anticipated risk of a difficult airway. In some cases, elective conversion to general anesthesia just after delivery allows for participation in the birth plus a secure airway for any massive hemorrhage that may follow.…”