Background: Spinal anesthesia (SA) is a preferred anesthetic technique for childbirth through caesarean section. It causes a sympathetic block responsible for low blood pressure which can be prevented or treated with vasopressors. Aim: This research aims to compare the effect of Noradrenaline with that of Ephedrine in the management of arterial hypotension caused by SA during Caesarean act. Study method: It was a cross-sectional study with two comparative settings which took place at the Teaching hospital of Parakou from April 15 th to August 15 th 2020. It included all parturients who underwent a caesarian act and received spinal anesthesia. To prevent hypotension two groups were formed. The first group parturient received Noradrenaline (10 γ) as prophylactic and the second group received Ephedrine (10 mg) before anesthesia. The main evaluation criteria were the time before the hypotension occurs and, the secondary endpoint was the number of hypotension episode. The two groups were compared using the usual statistical tests. The study received the approval of the Local Ethical committee of University of Parakou. Results: Two hundred and four parturients were compiled with 102 in each group. The mean age was 28.37 ± 6.15 years with extremes of 16 and 45 years. The main indications for Caesarean section were respectively iterative Caesarean section (46.57%) for scheduled Caesarean section and acute fetal distress (15.69%) for emergency Caesarean section. The incidence of hypotension was 38.24%.