In a 35‐year‐old multiparous patient, an ultrasound scan performed at 32 weeks' gestational age for size less than dates revealed an appropriately grown fetus with a two‐vessel umbilical cord. Also noted were dilated, tortuous abdominal and pelvic vessels. A scan at 33·5 weeks confirmed the two‐vessel cord and noted a widely dilated abdominal aorta and a left foot 2 cm shorter than the right. Delivery at 36 weeks was followed by a neonatal course complicated by thromboses, renovascular hypertension, and a newly patent ductus with pulmonary hypertension. Successful ligation was followed by acute pulmonary hypertension, cardiac dysfunction and death. Autopsy findings included aneurysmal dilation of the abdominal aorta without evidence of arterial wall pathology. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.