-The majority of posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) aneurysms are usually found on the bifurcation of the vertebral artery (VA) -PICA junction. Aneurysms arising from more peripheral PICA segments named distal PICA aneurysm are uncommon. The major clinical manifestation is that of an intracranial bleeding and the site of hemorrhage is related to the PICA segment originating the aneurysm. Lesions originating from distal PICA segments, particularly those arising from the telovelotonsillar segment, are associated with hemorrhage extending into the ventricular system, mainly the IV ventricle. A case of a 50-year-old woman with sudden headaches and vomiting, and intraventricular hemorrhage (four ventricles) caused by an aneurysm of the telovelotonsillar segment of the PICA, is presented. No signs of subarachnoidal hemorrhage were found in the computerized tomography. The aneurysm was clipped and the patient presented a favorable outcome. Anatomical aspects and clinical series are reviewed.KEY WORDS: intracranial aneurysm, posterior circulation, posterior inferior cerebellar artery, subarachnoid hemorrhage.Aneurisma da artéria cerebelar posterior e inferior distal: relato de caso RESUMO -A maioria dos aneurismas da artéria cerebelar posterior inferior (PICA) é geralmente encontrada na junção artéria vertebral (VA) -PICA. Aneurismas originando-se nos segmentos mais distais da PICA são considerados raros. A manifestação clínica em geral por hemorragia intracraniana, e o local desta está relacionado ao segmento que origina o aneurisma. Lesões localizadas em segmentos mais distais da PICA, em especial os originados do segmento telovelotonsilar, estão associados a hemorragias no sistema ventricular, particularmente no quarto ventrículo. Relatamos o caso de mulher de 50 anos de idade que desenvolveu quadro de cefaléia súbita e vômitos, com hemorragia nos quatro ventrículos, causada por ruptura de aneurisma localizado no segmento telovelotonsilar da PICA. Não havia sinais de hemorragia subaracnói-dea na tomografia computadorizada de crânio. O aneurisma foi clipado e a paciente apresentou evolução favorável. Aspectos anatômicos e outras séries são revisados. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: aneurismas intracranianos, circulação posterior, artéria cerebelar posterior inferior, hemorragia subaracnóidea.Aneurysms of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) are uncommon, complaining approximately 0.49% of all intracranial aneurysms 1 and 20% of the posterior fossa aneurysms 2 . The majority of them are localized at the vertebral artery (VA) PI-CA junction [3][4][5] . There are few large series of distal PICA aneurysms [6][7] , with no more than 26 cases. These lesions are very rare, their anatomy is complex and the clinical features, outcome and treatment are not well understood. We report the case of a 50-year-old woman with intraventricular hemorrhage caused by hemorrhage of an aneurysm at the telovelotonsilar portion of the right PICA. The anatomy and clinical series are reviewed.Anatomy -The PICA has the most complex,...