“…The debate is fuelled by a range of academic studies that zoom in on particular aspects of her tenure. Her CDU leadership and repositioning of the party has been explored by Wiliarty (2008Wiliarty ( , 2013, Clemens (2007Clemens ( , 2009Clemens ( , 2010, Green (2013), Maier (2013), and Turner et al (2013); foreign policy performance by Mushaben (2009), Gueort (2013), Janes (2014), Wood (2016), and Wendler (2017); her domestic record by Mushaben (2016); the constitutional role of the chancellor and challenges of coalition government by Kropp (2010), Jalalzai (2011), Olsen (2011), and Clemens (2011); the refugee crisis by Mushaben (2017) and Dostal (2017); and her responses to the Eurozone crisis is addressed in a paper by Hertner and Miskimmon (2015). From this brief review, it will appear that the groundwork has been done and it is time to make sense of the current kaleidoscope of perspectives and weave a more coherent narrative of Angela Merkel's performance in office.…”