Objective: To identify specific angiographic factors associated with haemorrhagic presentation of brain arteriovenous malformation in Chinese paediatric patients.
Design:Retrospective cross-sectional observational study.
Main outcome measures:The following parameters were evaluated for their association with haemorrhagic presentation by univariate and multivariate analyses: nidus location, nidus size, nidus morphology (diffuse or compact); origin and number of arterial feeders; venous drainage; number of draining veins; presence of aneurysms, venous varices, and venous stenosis.Results: A total of 67 children and adolescents (28 male, 39 female) with a mean age of 12 years were included. Of them, 52 (78%) presented with haemorrhage. Arteriovenous malformation size (P=0.004) and morphology (P=0.05) were found to be associated with haemorrhagic presentation by univariate analysis. Small arteriovenous Angiographic factors associated with haemorrhagic presentation of brain arteriovenous malformation in a Chinese paediatric population New knowledge added by this study • Studies on paediatric arteriovenous malformation (AVM) are scarce and mostly based in Caucasian populations. This multicentre study involving Chinese paediatric patients found that small AVM nidus size and diffuse nidal morphology are independent risk factors for haemorrhage. Implications for clinical practice or policy • These two angiographic features associated with haemorrhagic presentation can help local clinicians to assess bleeding risk and determine the therapeutic approach (aggressive vs conservative) and treatment timeframe in paediatric patients with cerebral AVM.