“…The term oncocytoma was coined after the description of oncocytes by Hamperl ( 11] in 1962. Radiographically, renal oncocyto mas appear as solid masses which arc vascular on angiog raphy; the findings include a spoke-wheel pattern, a ho mogeneous nephrogram, and a sharp, smooth rim [12], Nevertheless, renal cell carcinomas may also have these features. The following characteristics serve to distinguish between renal adenocarcinomas and oncocytomas: (1) visu ally oncocytomas are well circumscribed and characterized by a uniform tan color and the absence of hemorrhage and necrosis: (2) histologically they consist of oncocytes with mitochondrial activity; (3) ultrastructurally they exhibit cells with mitochondria, paucity of other organelles, and fat vacuoles; (4) clinically the tumor is usually asymptomatic and is inadvertently detected while addressing other prob lems during intravenous pyelography or CT scanning, and (5) the tumor has a favorable clinical prognosis |9], Never theless, this last point is controversial because cases of invasive renal oncocytomas have been reported [13].…”