The authors report the case of mixed approach for endovascular treatment of occlusive disease of the anterior tibial artery by retrograde pedal artery access where the traditional antegrade approach failed to overcome a segmental occlusion. The technique seems to offer an option for endovascular procedures aimed at treating occlusion of the anterior tibial artery in cases where the conventional antegrade approach demonstrates to be inappropriate. Keywords: Angioplasty; Arterial occlusive disease; Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; Tibial arteries; Endovascular procedures.Os autores relatam um caso de abordagem mista para o tratamento endovascular de doença oclusiva da artéria tibial anterior por acesso pedioso retrógrado, no qual a abordagem tradicional anterógrada foi inadequada em vencer uma oclusão. A técnica parece oferecer uma opção para procedimentos endovasculares, que objetivam o tratamento de lesões da artéria tibial anterior em que a via anterógrada convencional mostre-se inadequada. Unitermos: Angioplastia; Arteriopatias oclusivas; Angioplastia transluminal percutânea; Artérias tibiais; Procedimentos endovasculares.
0100-3984 © Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem
CASE REPORTTreatment with acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/day + clopidogrel 75 mg/day was initiated and anterior tibial artery recanalization by means of homolateral antegrade vessels, in most cases, allows the reestablishment of the distal blood flow to the foot by means of angioplasty of at least one of such vessels (1,3) . However, a recent study has reported the failure in approximately 20% of most complex cases where the antegrade approach was utilized for revascularization (4) . Thus, in the setting of failure by the antegrade approach in overcoming the lesion, angioplasty by retrograde approach can be utilized (5) .
CASE REPORTA female, 79 year-old diabetic patient with hypertension and coronary artery disease. The patient presented with ischemic ulcers in her left leg, with slow course in spite of the instituted clinical treatment. The patient had normal popliteal and femoral pulses and absence of pulses in the left foot. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) at the dorsalis pedis artery was 0.58.Angiography demonstrated segmental occlusion in the proximal third of the anterior tibial artery and occlusion of the fibular and posterior tibial arteries (Figure 1).