Nowadays, for modern electrotherapy of cardiac arrhythmias different pacemaker systems are used. Antibradycardia pacing systems (e. g. single-chamber, two-chamber, three-chamber systems, frequency-adapted pacemaker) can be distinguished from antitachycardia pacing systems like implantable or portable cardioverter defibrillators and combined antibradycardia/antitachycardia systems. Cutaneous reactions overlying a pacemaker or defibrillator are often termed "pacemaker dermatitis". In terms of the differential diagnostic workup, these cutaneous reactions can have various causes. After exclusion of infection by analyzing clinical and laboratory-chemical results, "pressure dermatitis" or the often clinically asymptomatic "reticular telangiectatic erythema" (synonym "postimplantation erythema") must be considered. Histological examination of the affected skin can contribute to the diagnosis. In case of suspected contact hypersensitivity to implant material, allergological exploration should be realized. In addition to patch testing with commercially available contact allergens, product-related material metal alloy discs are often available from the pacemaker manufacturer for epicutaneous testing. Due to the lack of additional benefit compared to standardized patch testing, a clear recommendation for such metal alloy discs cannot be given. In selected cases of suspected hypersensitivity reaction, sensitization can eventually be analyzed by the lymphocyte transformation test. Positive reactions must always be critically interpreted taking into consideration the corresponding clinical signs. Depending on the cause, cutaneous reactions are occasionally self-limiting. In many cases, however, removal of the pacemaker is inevitable.