A 42-year-old female underwent hysterectomy because of a huge uterine mass. Histologically, she was diagnosed as having intravascular lymphoma co-existing with myoma uteri. Lymphoma cells were large in size and were positive for CD5, CD20, CD45, CD79a, lambda light chain, and EBV but were negative for CD3 and cyclin D1. No other organs except for the adjoining bilateral ovaries seemed to be affected by the lymphoma cells. She received the combination chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone) together with rituximab and has been well without definite disease progression. So far, this is the first case of CD5 + EBV + intravascular large B-cell lymphoma (CD5 + EBV + IVLBL) in the uterus of a patient who was incidentally diagnosed and successfully treated. Am.