Airborne field inspection services conducted by traditional approach or by a single manual/autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), involves considerable operator work load in flight operations for coverage of very large inspection fields. There is a scope to reduce operational cost, time and operator work load for large scale inspection scenarios. This paper presents a system concept where the coordinated flight of many UAVs, as a Multi‐Agent‐System (MAS) may be used, such that, it is especially, “reconfigurable” based on the nature of inspection. This Multi‐Agent‐System concept is developed with autonomous features, such as self‐organization capabilities to adapt intelligently around the objects of inspection or during navigation. Also, the paper discusses on how coordinated flight contributes to improving the autonomy through iterative navigation planning and re‐distribution of work load into smaller sections, among the agents. Thus, the concept is expected to provide great benefit to the inspection service providers in terms of time, cost, and efforts while leveraging higher levels of autonomy.