Laser surface structuring of copper is induced by laser ablation with a femtosecond optical vortex
beam generated via spin-to-orbital conversion of the angular momentum of light by using a
q-plate. The variation of the produced surface structures is studied as a function of the number of
pulses, N, and laser fluence, F. After the first laser pulse (N¼1), the irradiated surface presents an
annular region characterized by a corrugated morphology made by a rather complex network of
nanometer-scale ridges, wrinkles, pores, and cavities. Increasing the number of pulses
(21000) and a
deep crater is formed. The nanostructure variation with the laser fluence, F, also evidences an interesting
dependence, with a coarsening of the structure morphology as F increases. Our experimental
findings demonstrate that direct femtosecond laser ablation with optical vortex beams produces
interesting patterns not achievable by the more standard beams with a Gaussian intensity profile.
They also suggest that appropriate tuning of the experimental conditions (F, N) can allow generating
micro- and/or nano-structured surface for any specific application