New data on quasifree polarized neutron-proton scattering, in the region of the recently observed d * resonance structure, have been obtained by exclusive and kinematically complete high-statistics measurements with WASA at COSY. This paper details the determination of the beam polarization, 2 checks of the quasifree character of the scattering process, on all obtained Ay angular distributions and on the new partial-wave analysis, which includes the new data producing a resonance pole in the 3 D3-3 G3 coupled partial waves at (2380±10−i40±5) MeV -in accordance with the d * dibaryon resonance hypothesis. The effect of the new partial-wave solution on the description of total and differential cross section data as well as specific combinations of spin-correlation and spin-transfer observables available from COSY-ANKE measurements at T d = 2.27 GeV is discussed.