A detailed study of the angular dependence of the magnetization reversal in polycrystalline ferromagnetic ͑FM͒/antiferromagnetic Co/IrMn bilayers with noncollinear FM and unidirectional anisotropies shows a peculiar asymmetric magnetic behavior. The anisotropy configuration is set via a field cooling ͑FC͒ procedure with the magnetic field misaligned with respect to the easy magnetization direction of the FM layer. Different magnetization reversal modes are observed for either positive or negative angles with respect to the FC direction. The angular dependence of both coercivity and exchange bias also clearly displays the broken symmetry of the induced noncollinearity. Our findings are reproduced with a modified Stoner-Wohlfarth model including the induced anisotropy configuration. Our results highlight the importance of the relative angle between anisotropies in exchange bias systems, opening a new path for the tailoring of their magnetic properties. © 2009 American Institute of Physics. ͓doi:10.1063/1.3236768͔ Ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic ͑FM/AFM͒ structures 1 are at the heart of today's spintronic devices, stabilizing the direction of FM reference layers, while taking advantage of the interfacial exchange interaction effects. 2 The most notable consequences of the FM/AFM exchange coupling are a shift in the hysteresis loop of the FM layer, called exchange bias 0 H E , an enhanced coercivity 0 H C , and an asymmetry in the magnetization reversal process. Experiments have shown that pinned ͑unpinned͒ uncompensated AFM spins at the interface are correlated with 0 H E ͑Ref. 3͒ ͑coercivity enhancement 4 ͒, and that the competition between anisotropies determines the asymmetric behavior of the magnetization reversal. 5,6 Different intrinsic parameters ͑e.g., materials, anisotropies, thicknesses, and shapes͒ 2 as well as extrinsic ones ͓e.g., field cooling ͑FC͒ procedures 7-10 ͔ have been explored to understand the exchange coupling phenomena in FM/AFM systems, aiming at improving the performance of magnetic devices. In general, the interfacial exchange coupling effects depend on the strength of the anisotropies 5 as well as their relative orientation, 6 exhibiting a complex phase diagram of different reversal modes. 5,6,[11][12][13][14][15] In fact, the relative orientation between the intrinsic FM anisotropy and the induced interfacial unidirectional anisotropy can be controlled by different FC procedures, varying both strength, 7,8 FC angle, 6,9,10 and/or interfacial magnetic frustration. 14,15 In this letter we present a detailed study on the magnetization reversal of FM/AFM systems with a noncollinear uniaxial, K U , and unidirectional, K E , anisotropy configuration. Our work reveals the importance of taking into account the misalignment between the K U direction and the direction of the applied field during the FC procedure in order to properly account for the asymmetry of the magnetization reversal and the angular dependences of 0 H C and 0 H E .The collinear and noncollinear relative orientation between t...