The yield and the properties of Al, Au, Cu, Nb, Ni, Pb, Sn, Ta, and W ions from the plasma produced by a 0.9 J/9 ns Nd:YAG laser have been examined. Changing either the laser pulse energy or the focal spot size, the laser power density on the target surface was varied from 1ϫ10 9 to about 1 ϫ10 11 W/cm 2 , i.e., from the threshold power density for the ion generation up to the maximum laser intensities attainable with the setup used. The ion velocities ͑ion energies͒ ranged from about 2 ϫ10 6 to 2ϫ10 7 cm/s ͑100 eV-10 keV͒ in dependence on the target element used and on the laser power density. The ion emission was peaked along the normal to the target surface; the angular distribution of ion velocities ͑energies͒ was not the same for all elements studied. Measured ion current densities ranged from 4 mA/cm 2 ͑for Au͒ to 43 mA/cm 2 ͑for Cu͒ at a distance of 44 cm from the target.