“…6. Cross sections of the following reactions: a) 238 U( p, 3n) 236m Np (1), 238 U( p, n) 238 Np β − −→ 238 Pu (2) and 238 U( p, 3n) 236m Npβ − −→ 236 Pu (3)[7,8]; solid and dashed lines are polynomial fits of the experimental cross sections; crosses and triangles are from[25], diamonds -from[33]; b) 236 U( p, n) 236m Np (1), 236 U( p, 2n) 235 Np (2) and 236 U( p, 3n) 234 Np (3)[4,5]; solid lines are results of the theoretical calculations from[4]; c) 237 Np( p, 2n) 236 Pu (1) and 237 Np( p, pn + d) 236m Np (2); circular and rombic points were derived in work[9], E p = 10.9-17.5 MeV; squared and triangular points are from[10], E p = 15.9-39.6 MeV; solid lines are spline fits of experimentally determined cross sections; d)237 Np( p, n) 237 Pu (1) and 237 Np( p, 2n + pnβ − + dβ − ) 236 Pu (2); circular and rombic points were derived in work[9], E p = 10.9-17.5 MeV; squared and triangular points are from[10], E p = 15.9-39.6 MeV; solid lines are spline fits of experimentally determined cross sections; e) 237 Np( 3 He, 4nε + p3n + 2 p2nβ − ) 236 Pu (1), 237 Np( 3 He, 3nε + p2n) 237 Pu (2) and 237 Np( 3 He, 2nε + pn + 2 pβ − ) 238 Pu (3)[4,5,11,12]; solid lines are polynomial fits of the experimental cross sections; f) 236 U( 3 He, t) 236m Np (1), 236 U( 3 He, p3n) 235 Np (2) and 236 U( 3 He, p4n) 234 Np (3) [6, 14 and this work]; solid lines are polynomial fits of the experimental cross sections; g) 236 U( 3 He, n + pβ − ) 238 Pu (1) and 236 U( 3 He, p2nβ − ) 236 Pu (2)[6,14]; solid lines are polynomial fits of the experimental cross sections; h) 236 U( 3 He, 2n) 237 Pu; solid line is polynomial fit of the experimental cross sections[6,14].…”