The characterization
of zeolitic materials is often facilitated
by spectroscopic analysis of vibrations, which informs about the bonding
character of the substrate and any adsorbents. Computational simulations
aid the interpretation of the spectra but often ignore anharmonic
effects that can affect the spectral characteristics significantly.
Here, the impact of anharmonicity is demonstrated with a combination
of dynamical and static simulations applied to the structures formed
during the synthesis of Sn-BEA via solid-state incorporation
(SSI): the initial siliceous BEA (Si-β), aluminosilicate BEA
(H-β), dealuminated BEA (deAl-β), and Sn-BEA (Sn-β).
Heteroatom and defect-containing BEA are shown to have strong anharmonic
vibrational contributions, with atomic and elemental resolution highlighting
particularly the prevalence for H atoms (H-β, deAl-β)
as well as localization to heteroatoms at defect sites. We simulate
the vibrational spectra of BEA accounting for anharmonic contributions
and observe an improved agreement with experimental data compared
to harmonic methods, particularly at wavenumbers below 1500 cm–1. The results demonstrate the importance of incorporating
anharmonic effects in simulations of vibrational spectra, with consequences
toward future characterization and application of zeolitic materials.