Anion binding to yeast phosphoglycerate kinase has been investigated using 'H-NMR spectroscopy. The use of anionic paramagnetic probes, [Cr(CN), ,I3-, has enabled the location of the primary anion binding site in the 'basic-patch' region of the amino-terminal domain. The anions interact most closely with Arg-65 and Arg-168. The binding of these and a variety of other anions to this site is directly competitive with the binding of the substrate, 3-phosphoglycerate. Binding of 3-phosphoglycerate and 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate is, however, stronger than expected on the basis of anionic charge and causes conformational changes in the protein not seen with any of the other simple spherical anions investigated. This must be part, at least, of the substrate specificity.Evidence for a secondary anion binding site involving the side chains of surface lysine residues is also presented. It is suggested that the primary anion site is responsible for the observed activation by anions at low concentrations wbile the secondary site leads to inhibition at higher anion concentrations. The kinetics fit these deductions and a scheme for kinase activity is presented.There are several features in the reaction catalysed by phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) between ATP and 3-phosphoglycerate (3-P-glycerate) which are little understood. (a) Although it is known with reasonable precision where ATP binds, the binding of 3-P-glycerate remains ill-defined [I, 21. Several experiments, however, have shown the 3-P-glycerate binding site to be associated with a basic patch of residues in the N-terminal domain [3-51 (see Fig. 7). Such a site was postulated from earlier crystallographic studies of horsemuscle PGK [I], but is not in total agreement with the crystallographically determined site of yeast PGK [2]. (b) Crystallographic studies have also led to the suggestion that a 'hingebending' conformational change involving helix rotations and the relative movements of the two large domains is necessary for catalysis [I, 61. Recent NMR results where phosphate transfer takes place in the catalytic reaction.' The activating effect of sulphate at lower concentrations and the substrate activation phenomena [12] were interpreted in terms of a two-step dissociation of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (1 ,3-P2-glycerate) [I I]. In effect the general anion site is the same as, or close to, the 3-P-glycerate binding site and at lower concentrations the anion activates the enzyme by acceleration of the dissociation rate of the product, 1,3-P2-glycerate, while at higher concentrations the dominant effects is inhibition through competition with the initial substrate binding. , however, have suggested the existence of at least two sulphate-binding sites, the strongest being a general anion site and the other being the catalytic centre. Evidence for weaker secondary anion binding has also come from previous NMR studies of yeast PGK [7, 131. Wrobel and Stinson [I41 labelled the single thiol of yeast PGK (Cys-97 situated z 2.5 nm from the crystallographically determined 3-...