Distribution coefficients for the chlorides of ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, iridi~un(II1 and IV), and platinu~n have been deternli~led between the anion exchanger Amberlite IRA-400 and hydrochloric acid solutions of various molarities. Separations of various combinations'of rhodium, iridium, palladiu~ll, and platinum in amounts of 0.5 mg. or less are described. When, in the course of these separations, the four metals are present together, special procedures are required to ensure conlplete recovery of platinu~l~.There have been several attempts to employ ion exchange in the separation of the platinum metals, but only a limited degree of success has been achieved. MacNevin and Cruinmett (1) suggested that a separation of rhodium, iridium, palladium, and platiilum might be possible owing to the graded stabilities of the chloride and ammine complexes of these metals, but presented no experimental data. Another report by the same authors (2) elaborated on a separation of iridium from palladium achieved by converting the palladium to a cationic diammine, leaving the iridium as an anion, and separating the two on this basis. Stevenson et al. (3) submitted a note on the separation of the four metals on the cation exchanger Dowex-50, based on the formation of perchlorates of these metals by fuming their solutioils with perchloric acid. No data were given, but this separation is of questionable value because of the inability to keep even milligram quantities of platinum and iridium from precipitating in this medium. Blasius and Wachtel (4) achieved separations of from the other three metals by adsorbing the platinum complex on the anion exchanger Permutit-ES in the hydroxide form. The other three metals were eluted by a solution of sodium hydroxide, and the platinum recovered by elution with nitric acid. WIacNevin and McI