To cite this version:Rim Alrifai, Virginie Coda, Andon Rangelov, Germano Montemezzani. Broadband integrated polarization beam splitting based on anisotropic adiabatic transfer of light.A concept for the realization of waveguide-based polarization beam splitters working over a wide spectral range is presented. The adiabatically evolving three-waveguide system is inspired by the quantum-mechanical stimulated Raman adiabatic passage process and involves waveguides with an anisotropic refractive index contrast. It is shown that an index contrast ratio of 5 is sufficient to obtain excellent efficiency and output polarization purity over a spectral range approximately equal to 350 nm centered at a wavelength of 1550 nm. The center wavelength can be easily modified by tuning the parameters of the waveguides.