It is known that cast heat-resistant alloys with a directed structure have a higher high-temperature strength than alloys with an equiaxial structure. For this reason preforms of turbine blades arc oftcn produccd using thc method of directed crystallization, which provides a columnar and single-crystal macrostructure. However, it is difficult to provide a strictly constant orientation of crystallites in batch production of blades. Thc author analyzes special features of the effect of the orientation of the crystallites on the properties of high-temperature alloys. In this connection, the distribution of stresses under conditions where the requirements of the hypothesis of plane cross sections are satisfied can differ in nature from the distribution of deformations.
ModulusMechanical properties. The orientation of crystallites hardly affects the short-term properties (%. & ~) of cast high-temperature alloys at 20~In particular, this is indicated by the data of [3] for alloy ZhS6U tested along the length and width of the crystallites.On the other hand, in high-temperature tests of alloy Rene-4 described in [1] the orientation affected the yield strength at 760 and 980~ in tensile (cry.) and compressive (cry) tests. In some cases or} exceeded c~ ([001] This phenomenon is connected with the fact that the yield limit (in both static and cyclic tests) of specimens with a [001] orientation is higher than that of specimens with other directions of crystal growth. This is indicated by the close results obtained in low-cycle fatigue tests of specimens with different crystal-100