Excitons in high-purity crystals of Cu 2 O undergo a density-dependent lifetime that opposes Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). This rapid decay rate of excitons at a density n has generally been attributed to Auger recombination having the form = − n t An d d 2 , where A is an exciton-Auger constant. Various measurements of A, however, have reported values that are orders-of-magnitude larger than the existing theory. In response to this conundrum, recent work has suggested that excitons bind into excitonic molecules, or biexcitons, which are short-lived and expected to be optically inactive. Of particular interest is the case of excitons confined to a parabolic strain well-a method that has recently achieved exciton densities approaching BEC. In this paper we report time-and space-resolved luminescence data that supports the existence of short-lived biexcitons in a strain well, implying an exciton loss rate of the form = − n t Cn d d 2 2 with a biexciton capture coefficient C(T) proportional to T 1 , as predicted by basic thermodynamics. This alternate theory will be considered in relation to recent experiments on the subject. 3 Drift mobilities of excitons in high purity Cu 2 O are 10 7 cm 2 eV −1 s −1 at 1.2 K, corresponding to diffusivities of 1000 cm 2 s −1 , measured by [1]. 4 For theoretical reviews of the spectroscopic properties of forbidden-gap semiconductors, see [2]. 5 BEC of excitons was initially proposed by Blatt et al [5] and reviewed by Moskalenko et al.