Surface conduction in presence of slip is characterized by full Dukhin number, which is given by [1]:where m = 2ε(k B T /ze) 2 /(ηD), and D is the ion diffusivity, which is assumed equal for both types of ions. The first term in (1) is the Dukhin number for the no-slip surface, Du b=0 , while the second one, Du b , is due to hydrodynamic slip. In the Debye-Hückel modelThis restriction (2) allows the simplification:The parameter m ≈ 100/z 2 , and κL ≫ 1 since EDL is thin. Whence Du b=0 ≈ 1/(z 2 κL) ≪ 1 provided the potential is low. For a "slippery part" of Du we evaluate01. Therefore for increasing surface charge (potential) and b/L, the conductivity of the diffuse layer can become comparable to the bulk, and surface condition must be considered. The Péclet number, P e = U L/D , in presence of slip can be evaluated asTypically, electroosmotic velocity is of order is of order micrometers per second for no-slip surfaces [2]. For nanoscale patterns L < 1 µm and typical ion diffusivities D ≈ 10 −6 cm 2 /s this gives P e b=0 < 0.01 ≪ 1. The slip implies a correction factor (1 + bκ) , which suggests that the convective ion transport can safely be neglected only for bκ < 10. Larger values of bκ should relax this standard approximation of small P e.
ELECTRO-OSMOTIC VELOCITY IN EIGENDIRECTIONSLongitudinal stripes.-In this configuration only x−velocity component remains, and the Stokes equation takes the formWe expand surface charge density in a Fourier series, and the potential is thenwhere ξ n = κ 2 + λ 2 n , λ n = 2nπ/L , q = q 1 φ 1 + q 2 φ 2 is the mean surface charge, andThe general solution to (6) for u(y, z) has the formwhere U n and U are determined by the slip boundary conditions. Imposing them on (9) in a thin EDL limit yields a dual serieswhich can be solved exactly by using a technique [3] to obtain the thin-EDL electro-osmotic velocity:Transverse stripes.-Although an external pressure gradient is equal to zero, local pressure variations contribute into a non-zero term ∇p in the Stokes equation, so that the flow is essentially two-dimensional. We first introduce a stream function f (x, y)2 which obeys inhomogeneous biharmonic equation:Here u and v are x and y velocity components, correspondingly. The general periodic solution to (14) has the formE t q n κ 2 η + g n y e −λny cos λ n x + + E t ε κ 2 η ∂ψ ∂y (15)Here the potential ψ(x, y) has exactly the form (7) with z replaced by x. The dual series problem in a thin EDL limit can be written aswhere a n = g n + E t q n ηκ 2 (ξ n − λ n ).These dual series can be solved exactly to obtainWe emphasize that a comparison of Eqs. (12) and (18) indicates that the EO flow is generally anisotropic, so that our results do not support an earlier conclusion [4] that the electro-osmotic mobility tensor is isotropic in the thin EDL limit. This inconsistensy [4] (due to an erroneous expression for a transverse electro-osmotic velocity, where factor of 2 was lost) has been corrected for a case b 2 = ∞ in [5]. Sciences, 31 Leninsky Prospect, 119991 Moscow, Russia 3 ITMC and...