In the past decades different crack growth and crack deflection criteria have been proposed, e.g. the maximum hoop stress criterion [1], the minimum strain energy density criterion [2] or the maximum energy release rate criterion [3]. These criteria were extended concerning phenomena such as crack path instability [4,5] and the anisotropy of fracture parameters [4]. Another approach for the prediction of crack growth and deflection angle is based on the J k -integral [6], assuming the crack to grow into the direction of the J-vector [7]. The resulting deflection angles coincide well with those from other criteria in the case of small mixed-mode ratios KII/KI or deflection angles, respectively. One challenge is the accurate calculation of the second coordinate J2 [8] and the appropriateness of this approach has been shown [9]. Nevertheless, in the cases of anisotropic crack resistance parameters, large mode-II loading or unstable crack paths, the classical J-vector criterion fails.In this paper, an extended J-vector criterion is introduced providing the crack growth direction in the case of anisotropic fracture parameters and elastic constants [9,10]. The theory is validated by experimental results for different anisotropy ratios and orientations.