The motion of fluid particles as they are pushed along erratic trajectories by fluctuating pressure gradients is fundamental to transport and mixing in turbulence. It is essential in cloud formation and atmospheric transport[1, 2], processes in stirred chemical reactors and combustion systems [3], and in the industrial production of nanoparticles[4]. The perspective of particle trajectories has been used successfully to describe mixing and transport in turbulence[3, 5], but issues of fundamental importance remain unresolved. One such issue is the Heisenberg-Yaglom prediction of fluid particle accelerations [6,7], based on the 1941 scaling theory of Kolmogorov[8, 9] (K41). Here we report acceleration measurements using a detector adapted from high-energy physics to track particles in a laboratory water flow at Reynolds numbers up to 63,000. We find that universal K41 scaling of the acceleration variance is attained at high Reynolds numbers. Our data show strong intermittency-particles are observed with accelerations of up to 1,500 times the acceleration of gravity (40 times the root mean square value). Finally, we find that accelerations manifest the anisotropy of the large scale flow at all Reynolds numbers studied.In principle, fluid particle trajectories are easily measured by seeding a turbulent flow with minute tracer particles and following their motions with an imaging system. In practice this can be a very challenging task since we must fully resolve particle motions which take place on times scales of the order of the Kolmogorov time, τ η = (ν/ǫ) 1/2 where ν is the kinematic viscosity and ǫ is the turbulent energy dissipation. This is exemplified in Fig. 1, which shows a measured three-dimensional, time resolved trajectory of a tracer particle undergoing violent accelerations in our turbulent water flow, for which τ η = 0.3 ms. The particle enters the detection volume on the upper right, is pushed to the left by a burst of acceleration and comes nearly to a stop before being rapidly accelerated (1200 times the acceleration of gravity) upward in a cork-screw motion. This trajectory illustrates the difficulty in following tracer particles-a particle's acceleration can go from zero to 30 times its rms value and back to zero in fractions of a millisecond and within distances of hundreds of micrometers.Conventional detector technologies are effective for low Reynolds number flows[10, 11], but do not provide adequate temporal resolution at high Reynolds numbers. However, the requirements are met by the use of silicon strip detectors as optical imaging elements in a particle tracking system. The strip detectors employed in our experiment (See Fig. 2a) were developed to measure particle tracks in the vertex detector of the CLEO III experiment operating at the Cornell Electron Positron Collider [12]. When applied to particle tracking in turbulence (See Fig. 2b) each detector measures a one-dimensional projection of the image of the tracer particles. Using a data acquisition system designed for the turbulence expe...