This paper is the continuation of [7]. Let A be a BANACH space. { G j ( t ) } o s t < -; j = 1 , . . . , n ; denote semigroups of operators acting in A , commutative to each other, A j are the corresponding infinitesimal generators. I n [7] were introduced the abstract anisotropic spaces K' = n o(nf'$) f l In u s -+ . . . + -z t 11 b, where I =(Zl, . . . , I,) is a multi-index of natural numbers ( D ( A ) denotes the domain of definition of the operator A ) . Let (A,,, A l ) s , n ; O-c@-= I ; 1 S q S m ; be PEETRE'S interpolation method [5, lo]. Here we shall use the K-method.For a multi-index Q =(ui, . . . , a , ) of positive real components gj we set mi integers with mi=-ui. In [7] was given a description of the interpolation theory of these spaces, and in the case that all quotients 2 are rationalnumbersadescription of equivalent norms in Bi too. I n this paper Theorem 2 (Subsection 1.4) will show that these additional assumptions are not necessary to describe equivalent norms in BI for 1 sqz-. Section 2 contains the application of the abstract theory, developedin [TI, Section 1, onspecialsemi-groups in spacesL,(Q, e(z)) ; 1 ~p -=a. Here Q is a special unbounded domain in the real EucLInean n-Space and p ( z ) a special positive, continuous weight function, defined in Q. We set U .