DISCLAIMERPortions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is predicted to be the most costeffective techno1 ogy for seasonal storage of low-grade thermal energy. Approximately 60% of the United States is underlain by aquifers that are potentially suitable for underground energy storage. ATES has the potential to substanti a1 ly reduce energy consumption and electrical demand. However, the geohydrologic environment that the system will use is a major element in system design and operation, and this environment must be characterized for development of efficient energy recovery. were to design, construct, and operate the facility to study the feasibility of high-temperature ATES in a confined aquifer. Four short-term and two longterm cycles were previously conducted, which provided a greatly increased understanding of the efficiency and geochemical effects of high-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage. The third long-term cycle (LT3) was conducted to operate the ATES system in conjunction with a real heating load and to further study the geochemical impact that heated water storage had on the aquifer. applications for the various permits and variances necessary for the third cycle, and matching the ATES system characteristics during heat recovery with a suitable adjacent building thermal load.
Under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) manages DOE'S STESThe most critical activities in preparation for LT3 proved to be the For LT3, the source and storage wells were modified so that only the most permeable portion, the Ironton-Galesville part, of the Franconia-IrontonGalesville aquifer was used for storage. This was expected to improve storage efficiency by reducing the surface area o f the heated volume and simplify analysis of water chemistry results by reducing the number of aquifer-related variables which need to be considered. During LT3, a total volume of 63.2 x 10 m of water was injected at a rate of 54.95 m3/hr into the storage well at a mean temperature of 104.7"C. total of 6.21 GWh were added to the source water and stored in the aquifer. Of the total, 2.11 GWh were necessary to heat the source water to the useful minimum temperature of 49"C, and 4.10 GWh to heat the water from 49°C to the injection temperature. Sciences Veterinary Medicine (ASVM) building was completed after injection was completed. A total volume of 66.0 x 10 m of water was recovered at a rate of 44.83 m3/hr from the storage well at a mean temperature of 76.5"C. The When the previous four short-term and two long-term cycles had clearly demonstrated that >lOO°C ATES was feasible, it was determined that additional cycle(s) during which the recovered heat would be used on the campus would be desirable. configuration of the storage and source wells should be simplified. Preparations for, conduct of, and results from long-term cycle 3 (LT3) are the subjects of th...