SYNOPSISPhysical aging of a fully cured polyimide/glass fiber specimen has been investigated deep in the glassy state using a freely oscillating torsion pendulum (TBA) . A single specimen, the physical aging effects of which could be erased by heating to above T, = 304°C (0.8 H z ) , could be used for all experiments. Data were obtained during isothermal aging at different aging temperatures, T,, (from 10°C to T,) and during subsequent temperature scans ( T, to 5 to 315OC). The aging rate depended upon the value of T, relative to both T, and the p-relaxation temperature, To = 139°C ( 1.3 Hz) . Changes in thermomechanical behavior due to aging were localized about To. This suggests that only an intermediate portion of the relaxation spectrum participates in, and is affected by, isothermal physical aging. It follows, and is observed, that the intensity of the p-relaxation mechanical loss peak is perturbed most significantly by aging a t To near To.