The study aims to evaluate the biocompatibility of titanium produced by laser rapid forming. Ten laser rapid forming titanium (LRF Ti) discs and ten commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) discs were prepared; CP Ti discs were used as controls. Total surface energy was calculated by measuring the contact angle of the metallic surface, and calvaria of newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were used for the primary culture of osteoblasts to study adhesion, spreading, and proliferation of osteoblasts on the metallic surface. The dispersive component, polar component, and total surface energy of LRF Ti discs were larger than those of controls (P < 0.05). After 10 d of osteoblast culture, the cellular adhesive percentage and alkaline phosphatase activity of the LRF Ti group was significantly higher than those of controls (P < 0.05). With increasing culture time, more cells gradually attached to the LRF Ti metallic surface, which caused changes in cellular morphology. This study demonstrates that LRF Ti is highly compatible with bone similar to CP Ti and meets the biocompatibility requirements for implant materials.