The electrochemical oxidation of silicon under high potentials ͑10-30 V͒ was investigated in weakly alkaline low-buffered fluoride media. The cyclic voltammogram exhibits a hysteresis of several orders of magnitude. Potentiostatically grown oxide films are either pale gray or show thin-film interference colors. Optical spectroscopy indicates here a porous silica layer on a thin compact SiO 2 film. Electron microscopy shows that the brilliant films consist of granular SiO 2 particles with sub-100 nm diameters with a homogeneous film thickness over the etching area. For U Ͼ 15 V micrometer-sized corrugations lead to a gray appearance. These macrostructures self-organize in a close-packed lattice with narrowly distributed dimensions.Porous oxides can be prepared via the sol-gel-process, including porous silica, 1 as well as via electrochemical anodization. In the latter family, the case of Al 2 O 3 had been known for more than 50 years, 2 but it has attracted a lot of attention since it became possible to get ordered structures. 3,4 TiO 2 5 has also been shown to exhibit ordered domains, though not yet in the clarity of Al 2 O 3 , a difference plausibly due to the semiconducting properties of titania. 6 The extraordinary behavior of p-Si electrodes in acidic fluoride media at anodic potentials has been extensively investigated. 7,8 Low anodization potentials ͑Ͻ1-2 V͒ in aqueous solutions lead to porous silicon structures while larger potentials result in the formation of an anodic oxide layer on the semiconductor electrode which is accompanied ͑between 3 and 8 V͒ by pronounced oscillations in current as well as in oxide thickness. 9 Several models have been invoked to explain these oscillations. 10-14 They more or less survive for potentials up to 20 V. 15 Oscillating behavior under high potential conditions was also reported by Parkhutik et al. 16 for galvanostatic conditions. Above 30 V, water electrolysis leading to oxygen evolution strongly dominates the electrode reactions. 15 The oxide thicknesses produced in nonfluoride media can reach up to several hundred of nanometers by applying voltages of up to 500 V. 7,8 Beyond that limit, the physical breakdown of the oxide layer prohibits further thickening. In dilute fluoride media, oxide layers of comparable thickness have been observed. 15 Lehmann 13 reported a change in the morphology of the oxide above a thickness of approximately 10 nm, where the oxide starts to become less dense, i.e., porous. This goes in hand with the transmission electron microscopy ͑TEM͒ and scanning electron microscopy ͑SEM͒ observations by Aggour et al., 17 Parkhutik et al., 16 and Lharch et al. 18 At high voltages, a corrugation of the surface occurs with micrometersized depressions. 16,15 We recently reported on the growth of porous silica films of micrometer thickness at moderate potentials by using a slightly alkaline fluoride electrolyte of low buffer strength. 19 We here report on a preliminary characterization of such films, which turn out to exhibit a variety of morphologies.