is a better approximation for ,1 near the cell boundary than is the first term of equation (15). Series (24) involves quite a number of terms, but the magnitude of each term can be computed fairly accurately by the use of only a few F's. K This observation illustrates the differences and the relative advantages of the augmented-plane-wave method of computing st and the method discussed in the present paper. The quantities inside the braces in equation (24) can be considered as the unknown coefficients (the B's of equation [3 ]), and equation (5) can be integrated to produce a set of simultaneous equations4 for the B's which can be solved to find k2 and A1. Equation (5), however, involves the value and normal gradient of s1 at the surface of the sphere, where it can be represented by fewer terms in the expansion form (1) than by form (3). Therefore, the secular equation using the F's involves fewer terms than does that using the B's. Once the secular equation is solved, however, and the F's are obtained, to compute ,1 near the cell boundary it is often better to use series (24) than series (15).