In this article we present a set of fully self-consistent studiesof the energy bands' defect and/or impurity levels in CuCI. These studies are performed as a function of lattice constant and uniaxial compression along the (001) direction. The methods employed are the self-consistent Hartree-Fock plus correlation corrections method. Calculations are performed for the normal lattice constant, 3% volume reduction, and 15% volume reduction, and for a 2% reduction in lattice constant along the (001) direction. The defect and/or impurity systems studied include F centers, H-centers, OHcenters, 02-plus anion vacancy centers, and S2-plus anion vacancy centers. We find the upper valence band is largely Cu 3d in origin and that for normal lattice constant the band gap is direct, at r, and is about 4.0 eV. Under uniaxial stress or hydrostatic pressure, a weak indirect gap may be generated of insufficient width to agree with Abrikosov's hypothesis. We find, however, that defects or impurities produce electrons near the conduction band. We speculate about the role of these electrons as they may pertain to recent CuCI experiments.