Measurements of the high-frequency complex resistivity in superconductors are a tool often used to obtain the vortex parameters, such as the vortex viscosity, the pinning constant and the depinning frequency. In anisotropic superconductors, the extraction of these quantities from the measurements faces new difficulties due to the tensor nature of the electromagnetic problem. The problem is specifically intricate when the magnetic field is tilted with respect to the crystallographic axes. Partial solutions exist in the free-flux-flow (no pinning) and Campbell (pinning dominated) regimes. In this paper we develop a full tensor model for the vortex motion complex resistivity, including flux-flow, pinning, and creep. We give explicit expressions for the tensors involved. We obtain that, despite the complexity of the physics, some parameters remain scalar in nature. We show that under specific circumstances the directly measured quantities do not reflect the true vortex parameters, and we give procedures to derive the true vortex parameters from measurements taken with arbitrary field orientations. Finally, we discuss the applicability of the angular scaling properties to the measured and transformed vortex parameters and we exploit these properties as a tool to unveil the existence of directional pinning. effects on other superconducting properties, is an actively pursued research [22,39,55].High frequency measurements of the electric transport properties in the mixed state provide a powerful tool to investigate the vortex motion dissipation, related to the vortex viscosity (or viscous drag), and vortex pinning, related to the Labusch parameter and the creep factor [21].When anisotropic properties are investigated, measurements are performed by tilting the applied static magnetic field H with respect to the anisotropy axes and the current direction. Then, a complicated tensor model emerges, and the analysis of the data is not straightforward.Previous works addressed separately the flux-flow regime (pinning neglected) and the pinned regime.The d.c. flux flow regime has been thoroughly investigated, so that the flux flow resistivity tensor and the related vortex viscosity tensor are well characterized [6,17,24,26,28]. In the a.c. low frequency regime, pinning is dominant. Despite the many existing theories [5,7,35], this regime has been addressed only partially [16,33,58].In [40] a full description of the complex resistivity in the low frequency, a.c. linear regime where pinning is dominant (Campbell regime) was developed. The model incorporated the material uniaxial anisotropy and point pinning in the vortex a.c. resistivity tensor with a magnetic field applied at an arbitrary orientation.In this paper we address another important issue: we develop a model for the tensor complex resistivity in the high-frequency range (typically rf and microwaves), where both dissipation (flux-flow) and pinning give comparable contributions and must be considered at the same time. We also include the effect of flux-creep, that can giv...