Biferale, L.; Boffetta, G.; Celani, A.; Lanotte, A.; Toschi, F.; Vergassola, M.
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. We present the results of a numerical investigation of three-dimensional decaying turbulence with statistically homogeneous and anisotropic initial conditions. We show that at large times, in the inertial range of scales: ͑i͒ isotropic velocity fluctuations decay self-similarly at an algebraic rate which can be obtained by dimensional arguments; ͑ii͒ the ratio of anisotropic to isotropic fluctuations of a given intensity falls off in time as a power law, with an exponent approximately independent of the strength of the fluctuation; ͑iii͒ the decay of anisotropic fluctuations is not self-similar, their statistics becoming more and more intermittent as time elapses. We also investigate the early stages of the decay. The different short-time behavior observed in two experiments differing by the phase organization of their initial conditions gives a new hunch on the degree of universality of small-scale turbulence statistics, i.e., its independence of the conditions at large scales.